Retained Health & Safety Consultancy

Staying on top of your team’s Health, Safety and Quality as a scaffolding contractor can be a challenge. Keeping up to date with safety regulations, standards, and compliance can be time-consuming and costly, especially if you don't have the experience or expertise to handle these matters on your own. Don't let your team’s safety become a liability, have VERTEX by your side with expert advice and guidance whenever you need it.

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Our Accreditations

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More About Our Retained Health & Safety Consultancy

Navigating the intricacies of Health, Safety, and Quality management as a scaffolding contractor can often feel like treading through a complex maze. The construction industry demands unwavering adherence to ever-evolving safety regulations, rigorous standards, and stringent compliance measures. However, it's a daunting task, particularly if you lack the in-depth experience or specialised expertise required to effectively manage these critical aspects. In a landscape where the stakes are high and the margin for error is slim, neglecting your team's safety can swiftly turn from a challenge into a potential liability. This is where VERTEX steps in, offering you a reliable lifeline of expert advice and guidance precisely when you need it most.

Our mission at VERTEX is to empower scaffolding contractors like you to proactively ensure the utmost safety, quality, and compliance within your projects. We understand that staying abreast of the latest safety regulations and industry best practices can be both time-consuming and financially demanding. Every minute spent grappling with complex guidelines is a minute that could be allocated to enhancing your operations or focusing on your core competencies. With VERTEX as your dedicated partner, you can transcend these barriers and concentrate on your scaffolding endeavours with a renewed sense of confidence.

Imagine having a team of seasoned professionals at your disposal, ready to provide expert insights and guidance tailored to your specific challenges. Whether you're seeking clarification on the latest safety standards, need assistance in developing a comprehensive Health, Safety, and Quality management system, or require ongoing support to address evolving compliance requirements, VERTEX is your reliable source of assistance. Our commitment is to ensure that your team remains at the forefront of safety consciousness, equipped with the knowledge and strategies necessary to minimise risks and maintain impeccable standards.

By entrusting VERTEX with your scaffolding operation's Health, Safety, and Quality management, you're not just outsourcing a service – you're forging a partnership that prioritises your success and the well-being of your team. Our expertise extends beyond mere consultation; it's about fostering a culture of safety excellence that permeates every facet of your work. With VERTEX as your steadfast ally, you can turn challenges into opportunities and transform potential liabilities into assets.

VERTEX is your strategic ally in the realm of Health, Safety, and Quality management for scaffolding projects. We understand the complexities you face and the critical importance of maintaining an unwavering commitment to safety. Let us empower you with the knowledge, resources, and guidance you need to navigate this landscape with finesse. Elevate your team's safety practices from being a challenge to becoming a cornerstone of your success. With VERTEX, you're not just managing compliance – you're building a safer, more secure future for your team and your projects.

Our Pricing plans

Dedicated H&S Consultant
Retained Client Certificate
Monthly Newsletter
Monthly Toolbox Talk
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Initial Audit of Premisis
Operational Documents Pack
TG20:21 RAMS
Assistance with PQQ's
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On Request
A service tailored to your individual needs, which can include but not limited to:
Industry Accreditations
Policy Work
Supervisor / Coordinator
Short Duration Courses Etc
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Click the button to use the calendar to schedule a time that works best for you or call us right away.

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Hear what our great customers say

What matters most to us, is that our customers and partners get the most value possible from the services that we provide. We regularly engage with our community and strive to continually improve the way we serve them.

“An amazing service”
Vertex Scaffolding Safety have been tremendously beneficial to ProScaf’s growth in the UK. They have expressed extensive knowledge of Scaffolding H&S and operative training procedures.
stephen potrait

Stephen Haslam

Contracts Manager, RiggTech Ltd

“Isaac always has the answer I need, exactly when I need it”
We've been working with VERTEX for over a year now and their depth of knowledge and the fact they're able to deliver comprehensive safety advice and documentation quickly, make them a reliable partner for our safety and training needs.
kyle potrait

Kyle Whittle

Managing Director, KWS Scaffolding Ltd

“Highly recommended them”
Vertex Scaffolding Safety have been tremendously beneficial to ProScaf’s growth in the UK. They have expressed extensive knowledge of Scaffolding H&S and operative training procedures.
emil potrait

Emil Devenish

UK Business Development Manager, Proscaf EMEA

“The best scaffolding workshops.”
I have gained valuable insights from the workshops VERTEX delivered for Safer Sphere that will enable me to provide better advice to our clients when it comes to scaffolding safety. We would highly recommend these workshops to any health and safety professional looking to enhance their knowledge of the industry.Isaac covered everything from the commercial aspects to practical perspectives and technical information.
lesis potrait

Lewis Duff

Director, Safer Sphere Ltd

Some of our Partners & Clients